Braces are the most common type of orthodontic treatment. They consist of metal or ceramic brackets that attach to front of each tooth with an archwire connecting them. A special orthodontic adhesive is used to securely attach the brackets to the teeth. But eating certain foods can cause the brackets to come off the teeth and may also bend or break wires. What can’t you eat with braces? Here’s a list of foods to avoid.
Foods To Avoid If You Have Braces
The following foods are best avoided while you are wearing braces:
- Hard foods. Hard foods can cause all kinds of damage to your braces, such as pretzels, nuts, pizza crust, crusty breads, corn chips, taco shells, and hard candy.
- Sticky foods. Sticky candy like caramel, gum, taffy, and anything that clings to the teeth will also cling to your braces and may be difficult to remove. It may also bend wires or cause brackets to come loose.
- Gummy candy. Gummy worms, gummy bears, fruit gummies, and any other type of gummy candy can be a problem with braces. They cling to the teeth and can be chewy enough to cause damage.
- Foods with seeds. It is best to avoid foods with seeds that can get stuck in your braces, such as popcorn, blackberries, and raspberries.
- Chewy foods. Foods that are particularly chewy, such as steak, jerky, pork chops, and any other meat that is not tender could damage your braces.
Foods To Eat Only After Processing
The following foods can be eaten if they are cut up or cooked until soft:
- Crunchy vegetables. Crunchy vegetables such as celery and carrots should be cut into bite size pieces you can chew with your back teeth rather than biting. Vegetables can be cooked until soft to make them safe to eat with braces.
- Hard fruits. Apples need to be cut into bite size pieces rather than biting into an apple. Other fruits that can be hard, such as pineapple and mango should be cut into pieces as well and ensure that the outer layer is removed.
- Some seeded fruits. Some fruits have seeds that can be removed, such as cherries, peaches, and plums. Only eat seedless watermelon and grapes.
The Importance of Following Food Guidelines
In the event that you do have a bracket that comes off or a wire that gets bent, these things can be easily repaired. However, it requires a special trip to our office to have your braces fixed, which can be inconvenient (especially for your parents). It can also cause delays in your treatment and the potential for improper shifting of the teeth, which means you’ll have to wear your braces longer than originally estimated.
Frequently Asked Questions About Eating With Braces
How Long Will I Have Food Restrictions?
You will need to be careful about what you eat as long as you have your braces. The average treatment time for braces may range anywhere from 1-3 years. Once you have your braces removed you will need to wear retainers, which you can take out whenever you eat so you won’t have to worry about food restrictions.
Do Any Orthodontic Treatments Not Have Food Restrictions?
Invisalign is an alternative to braces that uses removable aligners to straighten teeth. With this treatment you can take your aligners out to eat, meaning there are no food restrictions.
Schedule an Orthodontic Evaluation Today
Is your child ready for braces? If they are at least 7 years old, it is time for an orthodontic evaluation. Your child may not need treatment until they are older, but an early evaluation could identify orthodontic issues that should be addressed now. Interceptive treatment can guide growth and eruption of teeth that could reduce the extent of later treatment.
Call 203-625-9888 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.